Amazigh Libya We will not recognize the new constitution without the "constitution" of our language and identity

"The Amazighs have the right to constitutionalize their language and identity," said Ibrahim Makhlouf, head of Libya's Supreme Council for Amazigh Libya. "We will not recognize the constitution that will be drafted by the Constituent Assembly because it does not meet this right."

"The recent amendment approved by the GNC (Interim Parliament) to Article 30 of the Constitutional Declaration does not meet the minimum demands of the Amazigh because the text was fragile and did not refer to the sovereign symbols of the state as the language and identity of the state," Makhlouf told Anatolia.

"Amazighs have the right to claim their rights, but the problem lies in the lack of awareness of political culture, because people believe that the constitution of the language means," said political analyst Fathi Fellani, head of the MAFO Democracy and Human Rights Organization. Imposed in teaching in the curriculum. "

Amazighs have been calling on Libya for years to include their language as an official language alongside Arabic in the Libyan constitution.

Tuareg and Amazighs suspended their participation in the elections of the Constitutional Drafting Committee in protest at Article 30 of the Constitutional Declaration issued by the National Transitional Council, which governed the country during the revolution of 17 February 2011, which toppled Muammar Gaddafi, which provided for the passage of the articles of the Constitution by an absolute majority between Members of the Committee of sixty and not consensus.

In mid-February, members of the General National Congress (parliament) agreed to amend Article 30 to "make decisions within the Constitutional Drafting Body of the Constitution (two-thirds + 1). Fundamental to the passage of the article, "that is, if one of the articles on the Tuareg cultural rights is voted on, it can only be agreed upon by a Tuareg representative and approved.

The Tuareg announced their participation, according to their representative in the National Congress, Hassan Ansari, who told Anatolia at the time, that "Tuareg will participate in this benefit after overcoming the problem of incompatibility in the election of the Constitution Drafting Committee."

The drafting body of the Constitution in Libya 60 members divided 20 members for each of the three regions in Libya: Tripoli, Fazan (south), and Cyrenaica (east).
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