Amazigh is the only constant of Moroccan identity

A new constitution was promulgated in 2011, nearly 40 years after the last one drafted in 1972, because what happened in 1980, 1992 and 1996 was only minor amendments to the constitutional document. Africa and the Middle East, with major political shocks in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, and other countries. For sale Z chapters of the old constitution, by which the Moroccan monarch gives some kind of political legitimacy to his monarchy.
Analyzing the contents of the current constitution and reading its different interpretations in terms of the legal text, in fact, takes a little time - and not the market analyzes that some analysts who are in the constitution do on public television these days, which in my view are no different from what the drummers and seamstresses do on the streets. However, this does not preclude giving a comprehensive and comprehensive reading of the most important items and developments, especially with regard to identity and language within the constitutional document, especially as the constitutional text by nature Marked by varying different reading, from the surface can be understood by the public, and the degree of understanding and other political elite, and a deep degree not understood only by experts and analysts Aldsturion,
It was drafted in a form imposed by the Royal Institution in the framework of appointing an elite of experts to prepare the constitutional draft, in consultation with all political, intellectual and societal spectrums operating in the framework of associations and party without exception - for example was called the Democratic Approach Party, which is considered a radical party, but rejected the invitation, as A group of organizations belonging to the Amazigh movement have been summoned, some of which also rejected the invitation, as well as some Islamic movements, and some members of the February 20 movement, most of whom rejected the invitation - more than a dozen constitutional memoranda have been reached by this committee. For consultation and follow-up and express an opinion, headed by King Mohammed Moatasem adviser, and controls the conduct of, and in its meetings, and includes this mechanism the heads of political parties and trade unions, aimed at access to the work of the Commission, and can this mechanism be considered as a protective barrier or "Albarhuk"
In terms of the content of the new constitutional document, it can be said in general that the constitutional spirit of the document remained the same as the old constitution of the Kingdom, ie the concentration of the powers and major powers of the state in the hands of the first political actor within the Kingdom, the king, but this does not prevent saying that there is We can call the restructuring of the rules of the political game, and the distribution of some powers within the document, through some developments, mainly the appointment of the Prime Minister of the party winning the legislative elections as a constitution for the methodology of democracy that some political parties have been calling for, and the right of the President The government is proposing the names of some civil and diplomatic officials to the King, as well as the creation of a Higher Security Council to structure the security situation within the state, in addition to expanding the powers of the parliament, and the constitution of a group of institutions that were previously in the hands of the King directly. Rights on legislation
As for the question of the foundations of national identity and languages, at this point we can say that the new document broke the old constitution. Hebrew and Saharan, but the current constitutional text raises some confusion and poses a set of disadvantages in the question of national identity by arranging its tributaries, where he did not take into account the issue of constant and tributary in the national identity.
The identity of peoples is not fluid and branched and the problem of several cultures, but more correct and close to the logic and the eye of reason, is that the identity is composed of constant and tributary, and so in the case of Morocco Amazigh as a civilization constant component by virtue of its association with the land of Morocco and considered African and Moroccan origin and development, the Moroccan human according to scientific data archaeological emerged in Morocco for more than two and a half million years, and the language that emerged in the land of Morocco for thousands of years is Amazigh.
The rest of the components are really tributaries of the Moroccan identity, but foreign origin, Hebrew and Arabic languages ​​Bmrchita origin did not enter Morocco only in later times, and Hassania cultural tributary in which the mixture of the Arab element and the original Amazigh component only about a thousand years, while the tributary of Andalusia is also an intruder element did not exceed Hundreds of years in which the Arab-Amazigh culture and mixture took place on the Iberian peninsula occupied by the Amazighs and Arabs from the East, while those who applaud the Islamic identity of the state and society. Religion is not an identity, but religion is a spiritual and ideological connection between man and God. This link is reflected on the behavior of the individual in his dealings with the other, and religion is superior and too high to enter the equation of constant and tributary, religion sent down to the world and all humanity, and does not need a legal and constitutional quota, and this can be a mixture of religion with politics, if the policy since time immemorial Ignite wars between people and cause division, so the message of all religions
As for the issue of language in this constitutional document, for the first time in Moroccan constitutional history, the linguistic dualism of Morocco and the demarcation of the Amazigh language besides Arabic are recognized. This interpretation is exploited for the benefit of Amazigh and not against it. Chapter V stipulates that Amazigh is an official language and belongs to all Moroccans, which makes it an official language as well as a national language, unlike Arabic, which he considered only official and not the property of Moroccans. The Constitution affirms that Morocco belongs to the Maghreb and not to the Maghreb, and that this chapter should be dealt with with cautious optimism in line with the legal rule that the lesson in meanings and not in buildings is that the most important part of this chapter is that the Amazigh language is an official language. The Moroccan constitution, and this proposal is now turning to him
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