Khyat Morocco's Amazigh experience is a beacon for North African countries

For nearly half a century, Professor Ibrahim Akhiat, an educated and collectivist, promoted Amazigh as an asset for all Moroccans, leading him to be one of the first pioneers to mark the Amazigh restoration process: language, culture and identity.
Mr. Khayat is recognized and respected by actors in the fields of politics, culture and civil society, not only by those with whom he shares the same convictions, but also by those who disagree with him, thanks to his qualities, as well as the methods of communication, persuasion and openness to all.
Dean of the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture, Ahmed Boukous, in a press statement, describes Mr. Akhiat as "the true founder of the Amazigh movement, given the degree of his involvement in its various activities with total dedication, since his initiative to establish the Moroccan Association for Research and Cultural Exchange in 1967, and the launch of the summer association in Agadir. 1979, and the signing of the Agadir Charter in 1991. "
Bokous also highlighted the qualities of Mr. Akhayat, including in particular the constructive dialogue and openness to various Amazigh events throughout the Kingdom, in Sousse, the Mediterranean Atlas and the Rif region.
For his part, the head of the Amazigh Observatory for Rights and Freedoms, Ahmed Assid, said that Mr. Akhayat is one of the "great founders of the Amazigh movement" and "characterized by the qualities of a successful civil actor, and the ability to frame and persuade."
Through his decades-long work, Mr. Akhayat added a great impression of the Amazigh movement with his fingerprints and created a special place for the Moroccan Association for Research and Cultural Exchange within the Moroccan association.
Safi Moumen Ali, one of the founders of the Moroccan Association for Research and Cultural Exchange, described Mr. Akhiat as a "solid rock on which the Amazigh movement was founded." In the 2011 Constitution. "
In a similar statement at his home in Rabat, Prof. Akhayat, who has passed through difficult health conditions in recent years, said that the 50 years spent in the service of Amazigh, since the establishment of the Moroccan Association for Research and Cultural Exchange in 1967, which has undertaken to defend the language and cultural rights Amazigh, The Amazigh movement has made it possible to produce a convincing national cultural discourse, based on the self-defense of Morocco, mainly Amazigh.
After confirming that "the Kingdom has made tremendous steps in raising awareness of Moroccan identity," Professor Akhiat, in this regard, described King Mohammed VI's decision to demarcate Amazigh, as an asset for all Moroccans, in the 2011 Constitution as "a courageous and great initiative". "This demarcation has opened the door wide open to anyone who wants to serve Amazigh in the areas of creativity and composition, association work and human development, clearly and transparently and without any fear."
In view of the experience he has accumulated in the promotion of Amazigh linguistic and cultural rights, Morocco is well placed to become a "beacon of light from the North African countries in this field," said Akhiat.
Born in 1941 in the Ait Baha region, near Agadir, Mr. Akhayat, who moved from Rabat, where he continued his studies from primary to university education, was one of the founders of the Summer University Association of Agadir in 1979, and chairman of the Organizing Committee for its four sessions. - 1982 - 1988 - 1991, and founded the first modern music group Amazigh "Osman" in 1974.
He also served as the first director of the Amazigh magazine "Amoud" (seeds), the first issue of April 1990, the director of the newspaper "Tamont" (Union), the first issue of February 1994, and the first national coordinator of the Amazigh associations in Morocco between 1993 and 1996, Amazigh World Congress held in Lyon, France, summer 1999, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture, and Chairman of the Committee on Cultural Affairs, Education and Communication Council after its establishment.
His intellectual contributions can be summed up, for example, in the Tabrat (Diwan) in 1992, and Why Amazigh? In 1994, the book "Amazigh businessmen: the departed from them", in 2004, and the book "Amazigh our national identity," in 2007, and "Amazigh renaissance as I lived birth and development," in 2012.
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