Agadir activists march against "pig and nomadic pastoralists"

On Saturday (17 August), the Adrar Souss Massa coordination set a date for organizing the "Great March" in the capital of Souss-Agadir, with a view to demanding "a final and radical solution to the wild boar file, then reducing its damage to the inhabitants and their property and compensating those affected," and "putting an immediate end to attacks. Nomadic herders and provide security and protection for the static and its property. "
The Coordinating Committee called for "stopping the policy of territoriality on the lands of the inhabitants, through the so-called scheme of defining the forest king, restoring the lands on which the High Commission for Water and Forests had accumulated to its original owners, as well as compensating the population for the damage caused by this scheme and enabling them to have the constitutional and legal right to protect their property. Through memorization. "
Adel Adasco, member of the coordination of the Adrar Souss Massa, said: "After the successful marches and vigils organized or participated by the coordination of the Adrar Souss Massa, we are preparing today to organize a million rally in the city of Agadir called Oum marches, under the slogan of the Great March for land, security and sharing. Wealth. "
ADASCO said in a statement to the electronic newspaper Hespress that the march calls for "a definitive end to the aggressions and abuses of nomadic herders on citizens, their property and land, and then stop the policy of defining the forest king and spreading wild boar, as well as demanding the right of citizens and groups to benefit from minerals and natural resources monopolized Private companies do not respect the book of tolerances or the simplest terms. "
It is expected that the march of "Amazigh Morocco" will start at 11 am in the morning, with the aim of calling for a unified voice to "abolish the law 13/113 and work on the formulation of a comprehensive participatory development plan, aimed at the development of the various regions and workers of the region of Souss-Massa, through the participation of inhabitants and associations. Civil society in preparing and identifying its development priorities through the real needs of the population.
The Amazigh actor himself explained that "the protest station on Saturday (August 17th) in Agadir is an important and distinctive demonstration that comes after the stations known in the cities of Rabat, Taroudant, Casablanca, Tiznit and Ait Baha, through which we call all human consciences, association and art to attend the intensive in order to hear Seuss voted for officials and claimed their rights. "
"Our demands relate to land issues, the determination of the forest king, wild boar, overgrazing, mineral exploitation, health and education, and the problems of traders and professionals with the new tax law," he said, blaming the state for "full responsibility for attacks by nomadic herders against the inhabitants of Sousse, which reached the limit." Murder, rape and kidnapping of citizens. "
The coordination emphasizes the necessity of "a fair development policy approach towards the various territorial groups in Souss-Massa region, by reducing spatial, social and economic disparities and enabling the inhabitants of the region to have infrastructure (roads, water, electricity, public utilities and services), in addition to health and educational services that preserve the dignity of citizens. ".
The same source did not miss the opportunity without criticism of the current government, as a result of "the deliberate and continued neglect of the government, the Ministry of Health and local authorities in the failure to provide vaccines against snakes and scorpions, which led to an increase in the number of deaths in Souss."
"We have already called on the Minister of Interior to reopen an investigation into the killings and attacks committed by nomadic herdsmen in the Souss, including the murder of the martyr of the land of Ghadayes in Tapia, Ait Ali tribe of Ait Abdellah in Taroudant, and the barbaric assault and abduction of young people in the region," Adasco said. Wickers in the Tomlilin group in Iduska Ovla district of Agram, but the investigation has been stopped, which made the inhabitants of Sous lose hope that the justice and justice give them the constitutional right, "he put it.
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